Cross Border Recruitment Jobfair

Campus Recruitment

Promote your employer branding and reach out to talent from top universities in Mainland China through campus job fairs​

Our campus recruitment solutions in the Greater Bay Area provide direct access to top-tier university talent through specialised campus job fairs. In collaboration with Zhaopin, Jobsdb proudly presents three job fairs in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to connect you directly with talent in the GBA.

Reach out to fresh graduates from top universities in China

Seize instant interview opportunities

Promote employer branding in the GBA

Directly engage with jobseekers

Event highlights​

Coming Soon

Unlock top-tier GBA university talent at the upcoming job fair​

⁠Stay tuned for next job fair

Talent recruitment without boundaries

Expand your talent pool through cross-border recruitment service

Virtual Career Fair​

Promote your employer branding and reach out to large pool of candidates In GBA via live streaming

Interested to join the upcoming Shenzhen job fair?​ ⁠Fill out the form and we’ll contact you shortly​

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I have hiring needs in the next 3 months*
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