Ad Centre

The right tools to help you hire with confidence

Our candidate management tools help you assess, shortlist and connect candidates throughout your hiring process.

Finding the best talent, made easier

Relevant applicants are sorted first, so you can instantly connect with the best.

Use our tools to assess and shortlist candidates with confidence

Connect and keep track of candidates’ progress

Discover the right candidates from the start

The most relevant profiles are shown to you first, enabling you to filter the best candidates for the role easily. Use screening questions to customise your filters and set your "must-have" requirements to help you screen and shortlist candidate faster.

Get a better insight of the best candidates for your job ad

Get a better insight of the best candidates for your job ad​

We highlight a candidate’s skills and qualities that match your job ad, so you can quickly assess their fit. Then you can look further into their resumé and cover letter.

Assemble your shortlist with one-click

One-click sorting helps you make shortlisting faster and easier.

Keep in contact with candidates quickly and easily

It’s simple to keep track of who you’ve contacted and stay connected. Bulk emailing makes it speedy for you to contact multiple candidates at once.

Easily track spending and job ad performance

Unlock the power of our analytics tools for better insights and recommendations. Get a deeper understanding about your job ad usage, Talent Search usage and job ad performance. Learn more

Create your job ad now

⁠A smarter way to holistic HR management with HR Solutions​

Automated solutions that help you streamline processes, hire effectively and increase employee engagement and retention. Learn more