Market Insights Workforce insights Upskill your workforce today for the work of tomorrow with Jobsdb
Upskill your workforce today for the work of tomorrow with Jobsdb

Upskill your workforce today for the work of tomorrow with Jobsdb

In today's fast-changing business landscape, upskilling and reskilling have become essential for organizations that want to remain competitive and strengthen their workforce. As your No. 1 Trusted Talent Partner, Jobsdb provides all-rounded hassle-free HR solutions to explore your ideal upskilling and reskilling opportunities to empower organisations to optimise staff performance, retain employees, and attract new talent.


Why do employers need to reskill and upskill their employees?

72% of HR leaders think that there is an immediate need to upskill or reskill their employees. A study from IBM revealed that investment in upskilling and reskilling supported an increase in the productivity of well-trained professionals by 10%, indicating upskilling and reskilling to be a cost-effective means to optimise performance with a measurable return even in tight times.


How to be an employer of choice?

According to Jobsdb Job Seeker Salary Report 2023, 77% of respondents wished to have upskill training and perceived employers with training opportunities attractive*. Organisations with robust learning platforms with curated content attract stronger candidates, improve employee retention, and develop positive, higher-performing teams. Download the report HERE for free to learn more about how upskilling and reskilling opportunities can attract and retain talent.


Discover Go1 - A Cost-Effective One-Stop Solution for Learning and Development 

Jobsdb works with extensive top solution providers to help improve your HR processes, including Go1 which enables organizations to address compliance, upskilling, reskilling, and employee development needs across all functions, regions, and in a wide range of languages which helps you to deliver a world of workforce learning more affordably.  Within days, your team will enjoy single login-access to 200+ of the world’s top digital learning providers, with clear, relevant learning pathways to meet a wide range of roles, regions, industries, and interests.


Visit HERE or contact your Account Managers now for more details!


*Sources: Jobsdb Salary Report 2023, IBM, LidIn, Udemy, Forbes, WorldwideERC, ASTD, UCF

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