Hiring Advice Engaging your workforce Jobsdb wins top prize at the Asia Recruitment Awards 2017
Jobsdb wins top prize at the Asia Recruitment Awards 2017

Jobsdb wins top prize at the Asia Recruitment Awards 2017

We are proud to share the good news that Jobsdb has won the Gold Award for the Best Career Website at the Asia Recruitment Awards 2017, organised by Asia’s leading HR magazine Human Resources.

Focusing on innovative and effective recruitment campaigns, technology, advertising and talent acquisition, the award recognized Jobsdb for providing outstanding user experience to our hirers and candidates, by a judging panel composed of notable and senior HR practitioners from the corporate and public sectors.

Jobsdb is deeply grateful for this region-wide recognition, which marks a big milestone in our transformation into Asia’s top online employment marketplace. With 19 years of industry experience, we continue to come up with innovative online solutions that help you do your jobs a lot faster and more efficient. You’ll see it today in our new and improved Recruitment Centre, now further enhanced with Integrated Sourcing and Collaborative Screening. Today more than ever, Jobsdb is poised to take on the challenges of Asia’s hiring landscape with you.

Looking ahead, we are excited to be your best talent sourcing partner by bringing you a seamless hiring journey and the best candidate matches possible. This is Jobsdb at your service.

Jobsdb team receives the Gold award for the Best Career Website


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