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Hiring Advice Engaging your workforce Jobsdb voted top ten favourite websites in Hong Kong
Jobsdb voted top ten favourite websites in Hong Kong

Jobsdb voted top ten favourite websites in Hong Kong

Based on a poll conducted by the Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing, JobsDB is voted one of the Top Ten Favourite Websites out of 25 top sites in Hong Kong shortlisted by comScore.

We’re proud to be the only job portal on the top ten list but we do not see this as an excuse to slow down. We will continue to take pride in providing a streamlined and user-friendly job hunting experience for Hong Kong people and look forward to hopefully staying at the top of the list for years to come!

This article is either written or edited by JobsDB HK. If you would like to publish it on other website or publication, please contact us by email: [email protected]. JobsDB reserves the right to take legal action against any person that infringes the copyright.

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