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Hiring Advice Engaging your workforce Jobsdb is the most popular job portal in Hong Kong for 10 years
Jobsdb is the most popular job portal in Hong Kong for 10 years

Jobsdb is the most popular job portal in Hong Kong for 10 years

We are thrilled to announce that JobsDB is once again your best recruitment partner in Hong Kong!

JobsDB has appointed Nielsen (Hong Kong) to conduct the independent Project Hunter Telebus Study 2017, which reveals the sources of recruitment that candidates have used to look for jobs for the past 12 months. Commenced from 15 to 30 April 2017, the survey was conducted by calling a random sample of Hong Kong citizens. A total of 1,018 telephone interviews were done successfully.

In view of the research findings, we are pleased to continue to receive the claim that JobsDB is:

  • the most commonly used recruitment media for 10 consecutive years; and

  • the most effective recruitment media in enabling respondents to land a job.

This achievement is a huge milestone for JobsDB, and our success is a direct result of your continued support and encouragement. Tempting as it is to pride ourselves on this recognition, we do not see this as an excuse to slow down. In the days ahead, we will continue to live up the reputation as the number one online job portal across the region, offering the best recruitment resources to match hirers and candidates to happy and fruitful jobs. A partner you can depend on – that’s the JobsDB promise.


*Jobs DB Hong Kong Limited claim based on research conducted by Nielsen Telebus Survey 2017 (Copyright © 2017, Nielsen)



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